3D Echtzeit Telepräsenz
The inventor directed his development towards achieving eye-contact with the life-size images of a person appearing in a three-dimensional setting. In 1999, this telepresence solution was featured on the Today Show.
The first transatlantic demonstration of this life-size real-time communication in three dimensions was in June 2000 between Jeff Wacker of EDS in Dallas and Duffie in England.
Mid-2001, Teleportel Europe NV was founded by Luc De Backer, independent entrepreneur and former President and VP of major corporations like Thijssen, Harris Adacom and Gerber Technology.
Stategically located in Brussels, Teleportel – as dedicated distribution arm of the organisation -is currently solely responsible for all the 3D TelePresence activities in all the 27 EU countries, the ex-USSR and a major part of the MEA countries. Teleportel is a partner of Sony, for global deliveries and for local support and operates through agents, distributors and resellers in most countries. This way a local service can be offered to almost any customer in the world.
Advancements of 3D TelePresence
Direct view with Eye to Eye Contact in 3D.
3D TelePresence has been developed to overcome the disadvantages of other -teleprompter- formats and of the Video-Conferencing technologies. In this new solution, neither the camera view nor the view of the life-size display are flipped mirror images. The direct view of the telepresent person does not suffer from abberations caused by reflection or colour degradation. This format is ideal for high-definition since the HD display is in direct view. The image is crisp and clear and the audio is natural. Showing slides over distance or using other media such as whiteboards, DVD, document cameras ot other, makes it as -real- and natural as if you were physically present in the distant location.

German Contact: Helmut Fahr / Frankfurt am Main – Tel. +49 69 665 759 62